Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Express road to airport in works

Express road to airport in works

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport yesterday announced the start of feasibility studies aimed at building an express elevated toll road that would extend from Phnom Penh’s city centre to the airport by 2021.

Public Works Minister Tram Iv Tek said yesterday that China’s Henan Provincial Communications Planning Survey and Design Institute (HPC) would conduct studies into the viability of three different options for building the road, construction on which would begin next year.

Option A involves building an elevated expressway over Russian Boulevard, the main artery between the airport and the city centre.

Option B would see the expressway built over rail lines just north of Russian Boulevard that run parallel to the road. Both plans would require an expressway of just over 8 kilometres.

Option C, Iv Tek continued, would start near the French Embassy and require 11 kilometres of road.

“The expressway in option A will cost around $362 million,” he said. “This option A is a favourite option among the others, because it’s easy to transport the construction materials to build it.”

“Through our discussions, we see that many officials prefer options A and B,” Iv Tek said, adding that the study needs to consider whether the new expressway would connect with current overpasses, or have just one on-ramp and one off-ramp.

The expressway is slated to have four lanes, and would be 17.5 metres wide. As a part of the study, HPC recently deployed pollsters to major intersections to ask drivers what toll they would be comfortable paying to use the new expressway.

“The speed to drive on this road would be 60 kilometres per hour, which is faster” than the present speed, Iv Tek explained. “Currently, we have to spend up to one hour getting from the city to the airport on congested roads.”

Du Zhan Jun, director of HPC, said that the Russian Boulevard option seemed to be the best, as it promised to also alleviate local traffic jams along its length.

“Option A can release congestion in the area of the Council of Ministers and the other intersections on Russian Boulevard,” he said.

Pheng Sovicheano, spokesman for the ministry, said yesterday that the current feasibility study “could last until the end of the year”.

“It’s a build-operate-transfer road with a 30-year contract, for which the Henan Institute needs to find a Chinese partner to invest in building it,” he said, adding that HPC needed to study the impacts of the planned construction.

In a separate meeting, Phnom Penh City Hall announced plans to alleviate congestion on the other end of the city by expanding the Kbal Thnal overpass.

~News courtesy of Phnom Penh Post~

Sunday, September 6, 2015

New health checks in works for travellers

New health checks in works for travellers

The Council of Ministers passed a sub-decree on Friday to prevent the spread of global pandemics by allowing officials at the Kingdom’s points of entry to inspect any travellers suspected of having contracted diseases abroad.

Concern that diseases such as bird flu, Ebola, or the more recent Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) could spread to Cambodia prompted the government to pass the sub-decree, according to a statement from the Council of Ministers.

The sub-decree “takes action implementing health and hygiene standards on all passengers”, the statement read.

“All those suspected of having diseases at checkpoints and borders throughout the country will be checked.”

Last year, an Ebola epidemic in West Africa killed over 10,000 people, while an outbreak of MERS in South Korea from May to July of 2015 killed more than 30, according to the World Health Organization.

In response to the crises, Cambodia set up thermal body scanners at its two international airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, along with the land crossings of Bavet and Poipet.

Ly Sovann, chief of the Health Ministry’s Communicable Disease Control Department, said it was difficult to predict how vulnerable Cambodia was to such global diseases, “so we need to prepare”.

~News courtesy of Phnom Penh Post~



柬埔寨政府和亚洲开发银行合作,计划扩大柴楨省巴域(Bavet)和越南木牌(Moc Bai)国际口岸的车道,以解?关口检查站堵塞现象,进一步促进两国商业和旅客往来。











该公司总经理东猜珍通(Doungjai Chanthon)女士向恩欧尼副市长表示,经过公司研究考察后,发现金边港口拥有位於雷西郊区5號公路上苏基密油库附近的一块空地,適合用来兴建巴士停车站,並可以吸纳三条路线的巴士,分別金边直通卜迭棉芷省Banteay Meanchey(5號公路)、金边直通暹粒省Siem Reap(6號公路)和金边直通上丁省Stung Treng(7號公路)的班车。









根据金边市府出台的新规划,3號和4號公路长途巴士停车站將在宗周分区一带、5號公路在九支牌、6號公路將停在莲花湖地区一带,及2號公路將停在大金欧市(Ta Khmau)。


廉航HK Express‧开通香港暹粒直航

廉航HK Express‧开通香港暹粒直航

香港廉航HK Express首席执行员安德鲁卡文及港澳总领事潘皮欧等人,从香港飞来柬埔寨,见证首航开启的歷史性时刻。

香港廉航HK Express的首个航机,於昨早8时33分降陆暹粒(Siem Reap)国际机场,正式开启香港──暹粒直飞航线,成为继港龙之后,第二家提供柬港直飞的航空公司。

昨早8时33分,HK Express的空中巴士A320载著166名乘客,飞抵暹粒国际机场,该航空公司首席执行员安德鲁卡文及港澳总领事潘皮欧,从香港一同来到机场,见证与欢庆这个別具意义的一刻。

据HK Express廉航透露,暹粒国际机场每天都有来回香港与暹粒的航班,另一个提供航班者为港龙航空公司。

暹粒国际机场总经理布鲁诺.达罗斯指出,暹粒被“孤单星球”评选为第一名的旅游地,並且在“Tripadvisor”的排行榜排名第二位。 “对於上述航空公司开启航班直飞这里,我们表示热烈的欢迎。”





从卜迭棉芷省(Banteay Meanchey)是士分市(Sisophon)连接波比市(Poi Pet)的铁路工程已竣工,而波比市至泰国沙缴府(Sa Kaew)也將兴建,將进一步带动柬泰跨境贸易。




