Sunday, May 3, 2015

Apsara mulls hike for Angkor Wat tickets

Apsara mulls hike for Angkor Wat tickets

The Apsara Authority, the government entity that manages the ancient temple complex at Angkor, is studying the possibility of increasing ticket prices, stating that current prices are “low” when compared with similar destinations in other countries.

Long Kosal, deputy director of the Apsara Authority’s Communications Department, said yesterday that internal discussions among government officials and relevant stakeholders are under way to raise ticket prices, keeping in mind its impact on tourist traffic.

“Current prices are low compared to what the complex provides to tourists. At the complex, tourists can see more than just the Angkor Wat temple, but also Bayon Temple, Banteay Srey Temple. Compared to destinations in other countries, our price is relatively low,” Kosal said.

Apsara is considering conducting a study as well to determine an “affordable” price that will lessen the impact on tourism, with Kosal saying that it was too early to quote a specific price.

Currently, foreign visitors pay $20 for a one-day entrance pass to the complex, $40 for three days and $60 for a weeklong pass.

Ho Vandy, co-chair of the Public and Private Sector Tourism Working Group, said if prices were to rise steeply, it would increase the base cost of tour packages, with tourists possibly visiting other destinations with cheaper tour packages.

“If the new price is too high, it will affect current tour packages that are arranged by tour operators. It will add up the cost burden to visitors, and if the tour package is expensive, visitors will likely switch to other destinations,” he said.

Vandy said the private sector should be included in the discussions before a new price is announced.

Luu Meng, president of the Cambodia Hotel Association, said that current ticket prices are low when compared with other countries, and that increasing ticket prices will have less of an impact on the number of tourists coming to Cambodia if businesses ensure the quality of services they are providing.

“No one likes higher prices, [but] tourists will not decide to visit a place based on price alone. If Cambodia has the best hotels, best food and hospitality, they will come despite the price,” he said.

According to Apsara Authority, over 2 million tickets were sold last year, bringing in almost $60 million in revenues, an increase from the $57.6 million reported in 2013. However, Son Chhay, senior lawmaker with the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, contests these figures.

“To increase revenues, there is no need to raise current prices, as it is already an acceptable one. What matters is that Apsara Authority has been hiding the number of [foreign] visitors entering Angkor Wat complex,” Chhay said.

He added that a mechanism needs to be put in place to guarantee the transparency of visitor figures entering the temple complex, which would show an increase in revenues without having to raise prices.

“They report that 90 per cent of the total Angkor Wat temple visitors only buy one-day tickets, which, I think is not possible because the temple complex is so big that you need at least three days to complete the visit,” Chhay said.

~News courtesy of Phnom Penh Post~

Saturday, May 2, 2015





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值得一提的是,金界娱乐城不忘回馈社会,该公司集合了数家单位,如教育青年体育部、金界教育机构、Kind Hearts等,共同进行社会企业责任工作,以为有需要的社群谋求福利,包括国民、员工、游客,甚至整个国家。



金界所筹备的活动多姿多彩,首先推出的是一项促销项目“欢庆”(The Celebrate),此项目让酒店住客及食客以分数兑换丰盛的礼品,同时,Darlin Darlin俱乐部、F俱乐部及FTV Live將给予饮料折扣。

接著,五月份的每个星期一则是“时尚星期一”(Fashion Mondays)的天下,一群本地设计师將以歌舞表演的形式,呈献不一样的服装走秀,並且与大家分享他们创业的故事。

此外,主办单位也邀请海內外著名艺人助阵,本地著名歌手如Pich Sophea、Nop Bayyareth、Bouk Seiha、Sokun Nisa,连同来自海外的歌手如张宇、黄小琥、彭家丽、关心妍及吴国敬,带来一连串的演出。










